Plumbers have quite the reputation for cracking people up. This isn’t necessarily a reputation they want to be known for. Plumber’s need full mobility when working in the field. They get into all sorts of positions to make sure that our plumbing is working for us. While working in a crawlspace they have tiny quarters to work with. Learn more about the ultimate way on how to fix Plumber’s Crack.
Wrong Way on How to Fix Plumber’s Crack
While some think they have mastered the crack, others beg to differ. Some options are quite comical however, the problem still proceeds. On the web, you will find all sorts of options from a women’s chest to a shirt tied around the waist. The “fixes” do not actually solve the problem. Having your pants constantly slipping down due to working hard would be an irritating problem to have!

Plumber’s Crack Camouflage
Though this is a “funny” option on how to fix plumber’s crack, in reality, the crack still shows. This could be seen as offensive by homeowners if a licensed plumber shows up with this shirt on. This shirt is also looked down upon by companies as it is not a great representation of a professional.
However, this shirt does make a great gag gift for a licensed plumber! Click here to shop!

The Plumber’s Flannel
Another suggested option on how to fix plumber’s crack is to tie a flannel around their waist. Although this seems like something that would fix the issue, this could potentially be hazardous to the plumber. Plumbers work with all types of machinery. Loose items of clothing could get caught in the machine and this could be very dangerous.
This option is also not a solution. A flannel will hide the plumber’s crack, but not fix it. There is still the annoying hassle of constantly pulling up your pants if you just tie a flannel around the waist. You will also have to worry about the fact that your flannel could untie!
How to Fix Plumber’s Crack
Below you will find all of the right fixes that will actually solve how to fix plumber’s crack! Solving the plumber’s crack is to ensure that the plumber has safe working conditions, is not distracted by pulling up their pants, and to keep them confident on the job!

Wearing Undershirts
Undershirts are a very useful tool when you are someone who bends over a lot. However, sometimes these tend to ride up with they are not properly tucked in. The best way to keep an undershirt in place is actually to tuck it into your underwear, not just your pants. If you do this, the fabrics act as a glue and your undershirt should not budge. This method is also known as the “undertuck“.
Learn more about how to keep your shirt tucked in here!
Undershirts are also great at keeping the top layer down, like a uniform button up. It also helps with friction as a plumber is always on the move. Having an undershirt on is a great way on how to fix plumber’s crack but is also great for overall comfort. Undershirts also help with catching moisture so sweat does not seep through to your uniform or jacket.

Wearing Longer Shirts
Another option on how to fix plumber’s crack would be to wear longer shirts. Though these can still ride up when crawling through a crawl space or reaching for a pipe. By having an undershirt under neither will give you an added layer of protection.
Having a longer shirt on will make the plumber feel better knowing that there is a higher probability that their crack is covered. Longer shirts also have a better chance of staying tucked in as there is more fabric that allows for stretching. This is important because a plumber is constantly reaching for pipes, crawling through a crawl space, and even stretching in some very uncomfortable positions. A longer shirt can put the mind at ease knowing that there is some extra coverage.

The Right Underwear
Underwear is a huge factor when it comes to covering the plumber’s crack. Making sure that your underwear is the correct size will help it stay up even if your pants fall down.
Typically your underwear should be a size smaller than your pants. For instance, a size 38 jeans is an XL underwear according to the label on the back. However, it is recommended to go down to a Large as this will help the underwear stay up. It will not be uncomfortably tight, it might actually feel better and keep everything in place, like your undershirt. Another option is this special “Tucked Trunk“. This underwear is made specifically to keep everything tucked in. Click here to shop!

The Right Size Pants
Along with underwear size, you need to make sure that your pants are the correct size. Typically we go with the pants that are the most comfortable at the store. However, this does not mean that they fit. It is a good idea to go get sized at a retailer who sells premium denim. You do not have to buy the jeans, you just need to know what size fits best.
Having the right size pants will help them stay up. Jeans especially are meant to be broken in. Like a good pair of work boots, they are never comfortable on the first day. This is the same with pants. They are created with fabric that is meant to form to your body. Above you will find the most comfortable and plumber’s crack proof Carhartt utility pants. They are soft and even feel like sweat pants. The best part, they have durable belt loops so you don’t have to worry about them ripping. Click here to shop! (they come in multiple colors)
There’s Nothing Wrong with the Plumber’s Crack
There is nothing wrong with the plumber’s crack. Over time, it has become a bad representation of plumbers. The plumber’s crack should be viewed as hard working. The average person is not always crawling in crawl spaces or reaching for pipes high up in the air. If the crack bothers you, simply turn the other way. However, if you are the plumber with the crack and this is bothersome to you, hopefully, some of these fixes can help boost your confidence the next time you are hard at work!
Trade Life™
Trade Life™ is a lifestyle brand for the tradesman or woman. Trade Life™ is for people who live the trades as their professional career. Their mission is for the tradesman or woman to be proud to wear their gear. Trade Life™ is a life-calling vocational journey and represents a style of work. Represent your trade with Trade Life™!